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Brief summary

In recent years, plastic has often been demonized as one of the main causes of environmental pollution. However, it is essential to recognize that the problem is not the material itself, but its improper management. Plastic has revolutionized numerous industries thanks to its unique properties, helping to improve quality of life and reduce waste. Let's explore the main advantages of this material.

What Are the Advantages of Plastic?

Preserving Food

Plastic packaging plays a crucial role in food preservation, reducing waste and ensuring longer shelf life. Studies show that without plastic containers, about 50% of food would spoil before being consumed.

Creating Tools for Health and Safety

Plastic is essential in the medical field. Blood transfusion bags, medical devices, gloves, and other essential instruments are made from sterile and hypoallergenic plastic materials. In safety sectors, protective helmets and airbags play a key role in protecting people.

Durability and Resistance

One of the greatest strengths of plastic is its durability. This material is resistant to impacts, weather conditions, and chemicals, making it ideal for long-term applications.


Plastic is significantly lighter than other materials such as glass, metal, or cardboard. This results in reduced transport weight, leading to fuel savings and lower CO2 emissions. According to a Plastic Rubber Federation study, the use of plastic in Europe saves each year:

  • 100 million barrels of oil
  • 50 million tons of CO2 emissions avoided


Plastic can be molded into an infinite number of shapes, adapting to various industrial and consumer needs. This characteristic allows for the creation of innovative and customized products.


From technology to construction, from medicine to the automotive industry, plastic is present in almost every aspect of our daily lives. Its adaptability makes it one of the most widely used and appreciated materials.

Creating Tools for Health and Safety

Beyond the medical field, plastic is fundamental to safety in various industries. Think of materials used for personal protective equipment (PPE), such as helmets for workers, protective visors, and safety suits. Its ability to provide resistance and lightness makes it essential in sectors where protection is a priority.

Sustainable Plastic and Innovations in Plastic Materials

Research is making great strides in making plastic increasingly sustainable. The introduction of bioplastics and biodegradable materials is revolutionizing the sector, offering more eco-friendly alternatives without sacrificing the material’s benefits.

The Importance of Plastic Recycling

Proper plastic management involves recycling. New recycling technologies are helping improve reuse efficiency, reducing environmental impact and promoting a circular economy. To learn more about the recycling process and industry innovations, visit:

Guide to the Plastic Recycling and Recovery Process
Plastic Recycling Extruders

High-quality customised extruders

With standard and customised extrusion lines to suit every need, we are a stategioc partner in plastic processing, pipe, profile, pellet and medical device production.

Our extruders

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